Monday 12 November 2012



                                     Crimson  Serpent Q and A. Poem by Charles Cook

                                              questions and answers by zed scott



Fire; a serpent, hissing and crackling

Now pacified, now demanding

Climbing and swirling through countless grotesque forms-

Hungrily eyeing the next morsel of food in its path to self-destruction.

Fire-now secluded, now rampant through the charred ruins of its meal

Now friendly and warm, the next moment fierce and hot

Desperately trying to escape an inescapable fate-

A crimson serpent with an insatiable appetite,

Doomed to death through its own greediness

questions and answers
what is the poets purpose in the poem? to show that a fire can be as deadly as a serpent.

what sound does the fire make  that is similier to the sertpant?  It gives a crackle and hisses like a serpant.

Its path to self destruction. 'how will the fire eventually destroy itself'?  The fire will burn out and eventually kill itself.

images of the fire's hunger and appitite dominate the poem.what are two of these things? its hungerily eyeing the next morsel of food in its path to self destruction.

what are words of the poet show that the fire behaviour is unpredictable?  pacified and demanding.

by zed scott


  1. Discuss the effectiveness of the poem with references to two examples from line 1-6

  2. Discuss the effectiveness of the poem with references to two examples from line 1-6

  3. I liked your poem being upload.
    thanks for letting us read this interesting poem.
